A lista de fóruns onde a companhia InstaForex está representada está publicada nesta página. Você pode fazer uma pergunta em qualquer fórum e receber uma resposta de qualidade.

Forum.mt5.com is a platform where you can find a wide variety of information, including practical aspects of trading on the forex market. The tips are given by professional traders with vast experience. On the forum, you can also discuss the latest economic news and predict possible market movements.
Popular sections:

General Forex Conversation
All topics regarding Forex-trading are to be started here

Forex Beginners
Newbie at Forex? Post questions and ask for advice in this section

Trading Strategies
Join the discussion and share experience with currency traders

Free Dialog
Talks about everything, but the forum

Live Trading Discussion
Let's discuss currency pairs forecasts here

Forum.instaforex.com é um local de comunicação de clientes e potenciais clientes da InstaForex de todo o mundo. Você sempre pode encontrar informação confiável sobre a Companhia e receber respostas às suas questões.
Popular sections:

For beginners
Help and advices to Forex newbies.

Economic News
Talk about world economy, financial actualities and general Forex news.

Traders` discussions
Join the conversation and share experience with currency traders.

Support Section
Questions regarding the company services and trading conditions; opportunities for traders from InstaForex.

Affiliate program
Issues concerning the partnership.

Forex contests
InstaForex contests, tournaments & campaigns.

Company`s news
Announces and articles about current actualities and events of InstaForex.

Forex Trust Management
Talks about PAMM-system, discuss offers from PAMM-traders.

Advertise your site here. Only sites with InstaForex banner at the main page are allowed to be placed here.